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Why join forces with Sense?


You have the freedom to choose how many days you want to work each week.


The more you work,

the more you earn.


Become part of the growing Sense family.


At SENSE, we are given the necessary skills and knowledge before going into the field. Here, we are trained by experienced hotelier experts, and we also receive a training certificate that will be beneficial for our future careers.


Di SENSE, Kami diberikan bekal sebelum turun ke lapangan. Disini Kami dibekali dengan pelatihan-pelatihan dari para Hotelier expert berpengalaman, plus Kami juga mendapat sertifikat pelatihan yang tentunya bermanfaat untuk karir Kami ke depannya.

Ully - Mitra Cleaning

Joining SENSE is a wonderful opportunity for me to develop my skills and work with amazing people.


Bergabung di SENSE merupakan sebuah kesempatan besar bagi saya untuk bisa mengembangkan diri dan bisa bekerja dengan orang-orang yang hebat di dalamnya. 

Budiman - Mitra Cleaning

Here we work as a team, where helping each other is already an obligation for all of us. In other places, people might work on their own, but here we can work together with our team. So, if we want our work to be finished quickly and well, we need to be close-knit and help each other.


Disini Kami bekerja dalam satu tim, dimana saling membantu satu sama lain sudah jadi kewajiban untuk kita semua. Kalau di tempat lain mungkin kerjanya bisa sendiri sendiri, tapi disini kita bisa kerja sama dengan team kita, jadi kalau mau kerjaan kita selesai cepat dan bagus, ya harus kompak dan saling bantu.

Dian - Mitra laundry

What are you waiting for? Join now!

© 2021 by SENSE

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